Summer Gigging - Gonna have us a blast!

Gravy Nation, you may have noticed that we will be a bit quiet for the next few weeks or so, but we do have some real fun gigs coming up at the end of July and in August.

Carolina Inn, July 31st and August 28th: Come out to the Carolina Inn, our summertime staple, on July 31st and August 28th, and enjoy an evening underneath the mighty oak trees. (NOTE: You might have seen a Carolina Inn show listed in September, but this one has been post-poned. We are NOT playing at the Carolina Inn on September 11!)

Blue Note Grill, August 15: Boy, are we excited about this one! Our friends at the Blue Note Grill have been hard at work, opening their new location in downtown Durham. Please join us for our first appearance at the new place.

Please visit our "Shows" page, for more info!